Sunday, August 11, 2013


You can't tell me that when you walk into Target, you completely ignore the DOLLAR SPOT! I try to every single time, I tell myself before I even walk in "you need nothing in the dollar spot, don't even look in that direction" - it NEVER works. I always find myself strolling the aisle, filling my basket with things that I really don't need - BUT everything is just so cute and only $1 (or $3) - how can I pass it up?! I can't. so I don't. - so on that note, here are a few fun finds I picked up yesterday... let me apologize ahead of time if, after reading this post, you have the sudden urge to make a Target run.

You will soon learn that I am drawn to anything that you can write on, so these guys found their way into my basket in no time. How cute is that little lightbulb notepad?!
Lately, I have made a habit of buying gift bags, but only if the are on sale (mainly from Marshall's or TJmaxx), so when I saw this gift back for a buck, there was no turning back. No, I don't know what I will use these cute little pouches for, but YES! they are adorable so I will come up with something... eventually.

How awesome are these file folders? and only $1 for 3? a girl can NEVER have enough file folders, right? ...well at least that was my justification yesterday.

My obsession with Target doesn't end with the Dollar Spot, in fact my friend Tara has a whole Instagram account, of which I am a contributor, dedicated to her love of the red bullseye!
Follow us @damnyoutarget!